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Research Summary
Physiology of ectomycorrhizas and roots of woody plants; effects of fire and silviculture on ectomycorrhizal fungal communities; carbon allocation within and between woody plants, orchard management under climate change.
Courses & Teaching
Soil ecology; plant physiology; general biology.
Melanie has been a professor in Biology since 1990, first at Okanagan University College and more recently at UBC Okanagan.
She teaches Plant Physiology, Field Ecology of Plants and Soils, and first year biology.
Melanie grew up in southern Alberta (Lethbridge and Calgary) and considers herself lucky to back in western Canada after doing research in other parts of Canada and the world. The Okanagan Valley is a great place for cross-country skiing and gardening, two activities she enjoys.
Plant Sciences, Oxford University
Post-doctoral studies: Biology, University of Calgary
PhD, Botany, University of Toronto
BSc, (Honours) Environmental Biology, University of Calgary
Research Interests & Projects
Melanie’s research interests include the influence of ectomycorrhizae and ericoid mycorrhizae on nutrient uptake and carbon allocation by woody plants. Since 1991, she has studied the effect of various forestry practises on the diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungi in BC forests.Members of her lab are currently working on the contribution of ectomycorrhizal fungi to soil nutrient cycling, factors that influence nutrient distribution within mycorrhizal networks, the contribution of soil carbon to the carbon budget of mycorrhizal fungi, and soil carbon dynamics in orchard soils.
Students interested in pursuing graduate work in the area of tree root physiology, management of orchard soils, or ectomycorrhiza physiological ecology are encouraged to contact Melanie atĀ melanie.jones@ubc.ca.